Maybe - Song Story

“Maybe” is a song I started to write after hearing that my school was going to be closing after my junior year of college. I started to have a lot of questions about what school I was supposed to go to, if I should continue to pursue a career in worship ministry or pursue my own music, why something like this would even happen, etc.
As I wrestled with all of these things, I kind of realized that maybe there’s not a right choice and a wrong choice, but instead there’s just the choice we make and what we make of it. That’s how the song starts out, coming to this conclusion that things aren’t ever clear cut, but maybe that’s okay.
But in the middle section I’m like, yeah maybe all of that’s true, but that’s not stopping me from freaking out about what’s going on. The questions are still there and the situation is still real.
In the last verse I remember that my life isn’t going to be perfect anyway. No matter what I do, hard things are going to happen to me.
But when we realize that, I think that’s when we can finally be free to face life head on. Knowing that no matter what path we take, there will be good and evil both along the way. Learning to embrace that is the key, I think, to peace of mind. Life is a balance of good and evil. In between that there is a lot of beauty buried in mystery. And we have the freedom to find it.
Maybe there's no right or wrong
Maybe there is more than the songs
Maybe there's just what we do
And who we know
Yeah maybe, I'm just freaking out
I had more to learn than what I could doubt
Maybe I'm just someone else
Than who I thought that I should be
In the crowd I see
All the future faces I could wear
They all seem so confident, with haunting stares
But maybe I’m just someone else
Pretty pictures in your house
They’re coming down
Maybe I don’t have a right
To think that things will turn out fine
Maybe after all this time
I’m finally free